Seeing the wild flowers, trees, shrubs, vines, butterflies and other critters that share the birds’ environment, helps you to appreciate how all the living parts fit into the whole scheme of things.
Tracking the seasonal movements of birds keeps you in touch with the passing seasons. The annual cycle, the mysteries of spring and autumn migration, birds are pre-eminent harbingers of spring and fall and subtly mark the passage of time Birding can contribute positively to your feelings of mastery and self esteem.
These feelings will increase as you get better at it. While identifying birds is very difficult in the beginning, as you practice and improve your observation skills and hand-to-eye coordination skills you will start to gain confidence and pride in your new found ability to take a number of clues and come up with a speedy and correct I.D.
Finally, amateur birdwatchers have contributed and continue to contribute much to the scientific knowledge of birds.
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