These are small birds, but strong singers that seem to expel sounds far greater than their size. The common tailorbird gets its name from the nest it creates by "sewing" leaves together to form a cradle-like structure for its...mostly found on the edges of forests, tailor birds are also beginning to colonize in urban areas throughout their range. They are bold with humans and have become well adapted to people. Tailor birds can be found in parks, gardens, even on the balconies of high-rise buildings. They are also seen in scrubby and brushy areas as well as in open country, but they are not found in deep forests.. They are distinctive in having a greenish upper body plumage, long upright tail and the rust coloured forehead and crown. They range in size from 10–14 cm (3.9–5.5 in) and weigh 6–10 grams (0.21–0.35 oz). They have short rounded wings, a long tail, strong legs and a sharp bill with curved tip to the upper mandible.
Photo above taken by me @ sungai ramal dalam kajang 1st day raya 2008 (it's my lifer). I woke up at 6.30am, grabs my bin and my SONY alpha 200 (300mm lens) try my luck on hari raya day. About an hour birding finally cute little fella flew in front of me and perch about a minute (usually tailorbird rarely perch more than 10 second - they love hoping/jumping everywhere) luck on hari raya day .... :)